An Additional, Third View of the Classic, Pre-Tribulation Rapture Doctrine by Bible Scholar Chuck Missler

Phyllis Beveridge Nissila

As promised in the previous post, here is yet another teaching/learning style covering the classic, Pre-Tribulation Rapture Doctrine.

The reason for all three presentation styles in this series is that, where teaching isn’t all about politics-infused, “WHAT to think versus HOW to think” (current examples: Critical Race Theory, CRT, which is popular just now, as are both “Liberation” and “Woke” Theologies*), it is about instructors providing information in three of the most dominant learning styles. Note: “hands-on” learning, another well-known style but not featured here, involves participatory and practice lessons both during but especially after the basic information is presented.

Three Presentations, Three Learning Styles

  • Some people thrive on verbal presentations rich in comparison (metaphor such as analogies, parables, illustrative anecdotes–my own top choice). The first post is dominant in this style.
  • The second post is for people for whom graphic illustrations (charts, graphs, etc.), enhance the learning experience. So-called “left brain” thinkers (engineers, technology experts, economists, math enthusiasts, etc.) often prefer this style.
  • Today’s presentation is more attractive to people who are predominantly auditory learners (via lectures, videos, discussions, readings, etc.) and for those who like to take deep dives in any learning style into the material as per their areas of interest and expertise.

The presenter below (the late), Chuck Missler, is known for this kind of teaching. To a biblical analysis, Missler adds relevant history, geo-politics, anthropology, physics (including quantum mechanics and quantum information science), metaphysics, math, nano-technology, and cosmology. It is more of a “Renaissance” presentation, you might say, gathering together many factors of human thinking and discovery. The video below is part 1 of about 26 that can be followed online if one desires.

But my major motivation in providing information–in any presentation style–on the classic Rapture Doctrine is to reach as many people as possible in ways in which they learn best, because when you line up the information in all of the presentations based on many factors, collectively–and especially key in my mind, the pattern of how God always delivers people who put their faith and trust in Him, though seemingly at the last minute–we seem very close to this event.

Whereas getting from here to (Rapture) “deliverance” (or historically, any of the occasions God has “rescued” believers) presents its challenges, God is always faithful, working “all things together for good,” as noted in Romans 8:28.

For anyone stopping by here who is curious as to how and why people choose to follow this spiritual path, i.e., to put their faith in, and to follow Jesus Christ, as always, I recommend: ABCs of Salvation.

And to offer encouragement to do so soon, I would choose today as my personal “day of salvation,” were I you. You will never regret this decision. Literally.

Next, get a Bible. But choose your version wisely. Many believers opt for Bibles published before the seventies, or so, as many newer translations and revisions are both blatantly and subtly, representative of twenty-first-century politics.

Then, find a local, Bible-believing and Bible-teaching fellowship, big or small, as long as the only “program” going on there (for there are many programs out there, not all of which are biblical) is “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”. As put in the King James Version in St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, verses 22-24:

22 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:

23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;

24 But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.


*For commentary on how believers ought to respond to the political “Woke” movement in a biblical manner, here is a good discussion.

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