On the Virus That Is Not Science…

Phyllis Beveridge Nissila

One of the politicians proclaiming the glories of a certain medical product and protocol has now gone religious, it seems, passing along prophecies and platitudes from her god.

In a way she’s right, though.

But where the world would see a new religion–with all the bells, whistles, and shiny things–and bow down, others with eyes to see and ears to hear discern only one “way, truth, and life,” an ancient spirituality headed not by politicians–bureaucrats, and other stake-holding faithful–but by the Creator, Himself; not for gain but for Godliness and eternal salvation.

And these believers look up, not down, for, quite possibly, in such a time as this and given a completely different set of prophecies and protocols, our redemption “draweth nigh”.

The following might be a kind of footnote to a previous post: Are “They” Really After Our Free Will? (The Secret’s in the Blood).


The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10)


The virus spreads

that is not sci’nce

afflicting flesh and bone

but a protocol of evil made

by minds and hearts gone cold

who know that life is in the blood

thus must death be too

so they craft an illness to destroy

God’s way and life and truth.


The virus spreads

that is not fact

the antidote, a hack

that self-assembles once inside

until the heart’s gone black

and silently corrodes the plan

they b’lieved iron-bound

but they are deceived whose faith is in

that liar, Hell’s own hound.


The virus spreads

not nature’s kind

but deception’s subtle lure

to stifle sense and shackle mind

and render God obscure

until the light of life is lost

down fear’s darkening well

where death itself coagulates–

not hope nor cure but hell.



Yet all the while

One stands nearby

for each afflicted soul

body, mind–and heart as well–

to spare us from this foe

I have come that they…have life,

and have it to the full” said He–

the Hound of Heav’n, His blood the cure

into eternity.


To the lasting cure, read more here.

Royalty-free image source.


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2 Responses to On the Virus That Is Not Science…

  1. Pastor Ron Meyers says:

    “Jesus wants us to get the ‘jab?’

    Sent from my iPhone



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