From ex-“NARismatics:” more testimonies, comfort, warnings, and encouragements. #1: Dawn Hill

NARismatic: a portmanteau of the words NAR (an acronym for New Apostolic Reformation), and Charismatic.

Having finished, to date, an assigned series on what the experts say about the various and sundry extra- and non-biblical teachings and doctrines of the New Apostolic Reformation movement, and also having learned about many who have come out of it–and more every day–who might be struggling just now with the confusing/painful/disappointing, mental, emotional, psychological, and/or spiritual power of a religious entity they may have even grown up in, I will add a few more of the testimonies of ex-NARismatics, some of whom were at the highest levels within the fast-spreading, global organization.
These are added to other testimonies previously linked in the final report of my investigation assignment, from the archives of

As I learned in my own leave-taking and recovery-from another global, religious system and far more powerful and longer-termed than even the NAR (which actually includes some of the gnostic teachings and practices of this other organization i.e., Roman Catholicism, into which I was born and bred until my salvation at the age of 23 in 1973, series here), it is of great comfort to seek the Bible-based counsel and instruction from those who have gone before.

My sincere prayer for all who may find this is to always remember: God is far, far greater and more powerful than any man-made (or man-co-opted) religious organization no matter how wealthy, old, fast-growing, or anything else it might be or become.

I always say, as do many other former “cradle Catholics,” if God can bring me out, He can bring anybody out of any religious system! And you will hear the ex-NAR follower featured, below, say something very similar about her own multi-year, many-level  involvement in that spiritual entity and how she left.

Sometimes all it takes is a single Scripture passage to open the eyes and prompt the mind and spirit. For me, when I began to investigate the NAR out of curiosity and for the parts of the various components that are biblical, it was the following Bible passage from Mark 16: 15-18, KJV, known as Jesus’ Great Commission; the salient verses are bolded, that proved the power:

With encouragement and comfort as well, along with a closer look at the Scriptures often used to discourage those who question this or any movement in the church, here is the first of more testimonies from ex NAR followers. – pbn

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