Permission to Share

The only thing I ask is that you credit my authorship. Technically, this means my work  featured on this blog are licensed as CC-BY-ND, which means you can share them at will but not edit or alter them. I make no money on my posts.

Note–cited materials from other sources have their own permission statements and copyright notices, additionally, my use of others’ materials do not necessarily mean that I agree with all of what may appear on their sites or in their articles.

I look for images on open source/open share sources (mostly Wikimedia Commons). The URLs for each image appear as footnotes on my posts. Please access them using those links for complete citation information should you consider them for your publication purposes.

This little tech-venture of mine is something I consider to be a ministry of sorts, if I may be so bold. What has been “freely given,” post by post, and now shows up here I “freely share.”

Thanks to the technology genuises of our times, we can now share “our times” with whom we will–worldwide! Of course, this means everything from the sublime to the ridiculous to the flat out awful may show up on our computer screens, but the market is what it is. We still own discernment. My goal is to provide something you will value reading and to which you might give a little thought, too. And, of course, to provide occasional comic relief. 🙂

Blessings and Cheers,
Phyllis Beveridge Nissila

7 Responses to Permission to Share

  1. Phil says:

    My Wife and I after much prayer and thought, withdrew our church membership.


    • pnissila says:

      As my sister and I said after we left our church OF THIRTY YEARS, now it’s time to “find your peeps.” May I say that although at first we felt alone, soon the Holy Spirit “connected us” with so many people, mostly online but also locally who are also “coming out of her” that we have never fellowshipped and grown so much in the Lord as we have in the last several years! In addition, the Lord has opened up ministries for each of us we probably would never have entertained were we not “set free,” so to speak, of the constant angst over what to do about our church (and then the others we investigated) and how to respond and was it all our fault and maybe we were “out in left field,” etc., etc. And so I am excited for you and thank God for His Word which never changes! Check in any time and let me know how it’s going.

      Phyllis Nissila


  2. Carl Gordon says:

    Although I have not read “The Story” I looked at the web site posted above and it reminds me of a book given to me by a local church two Easter’s ago, called “The Epic”. Of course accompanied by all the “accessories” one “needs” to participate…


  3. Phil says:

    I wanted you to be specifically aware of the Story so I added their website as well as my old church website. Thanks for your reply to me. Few that I have written to have responded. Probably too busy since there is so many problems that need to be brought to light in the chyrch today. Anyway, here they are. I wasn’t sure you knew that this was edited by Randy Frazee and Max Lucado, and published, of course by Zondervan. Our church has close ties with Max and Randy and have them come to our church for engagements. Our Senior Pastor quotes at times from Rick Warren…this was one of the greatest tip-offs to me.

    Please feel free to reply with more comments and information if you have time.
    Thank you and God Bless you.
    Phil and Robin Shope


    • pnissila says:

      Thank you. When I think of all the morphing that has and is taking place within the post-modern church to “keep up with the times,” it reminds me of Proverbs 5:6 (referencing the “strange woman,” a type of the wayward Israelites, read, the wayward Church, today): “Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them.”


  4. Phil says:

    I really enjoyed this article. My wife and I are leaving our church for this very reason. One of the latest attempts with this church is the adopting of “The Story” for a whole “church-wide” study. If you are not familiar with this I will clue you in with your request for more information.
    We have been at this church for 9 years, and I admit I must have fallen asleep in the comfortableness. We are both saddened. We both served in various capacities here; myself as a “Decision” guide and my wife worked at the information center. We started noticing that things were different than from the beginning only about a year ago. I think it was always like that to some degree… we were just too blinded to notice.


    • pnissila says:

      Your response is very familiar. My sister and I said the same thing, at first, when we began to notice “differences”: “Were we ASLEEP?!” Fortunately, others began laboring in this field some years ago and have provided very well-researched, thoughtful analyses. I have heard of “The Story” (Narrative Theology, correct?) Another in the genre of an “ever-evolving” brand of God’s words to us, versus God’s Word as the same, yesterday, today, and forever. I teach college level literature classes and so I am familiar with the philosphy of this genre of story. I just never thought until recently I’d see it in the church…


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